If you are wondering how to open an Etsy Shop, identify the pockets of alone time you have to get work done, figure out what areas of your business you can delegate, and just go for it!
Do you want to open an Etsy shop – but have tiny kids running around?
Then you need to read my interview with Brittany, the shop owner of Grain + Dot!
My friend Brittany is one of the most incredible artists and creative minds I’ve ever met! Her site Grain + Dot (site here and Etsy Shop here) is full of unique gift ideas – from her snarky notecards, to her precious silhouettes.
I was able to interview Brittany this week – and can’t wait for you to meet her and her awesome shop – Grain + Dot!

1. Tell us all about Grain + Dot and how you got started!
After graduating from Montana State University with a BFA in Graphic Design, I followed my then fiancé where he needed to land for his first petroleum engineering job. Grain+Dot was born at a desk of a very boring “graphic design” job in small town Montana. Ya know, the kind of town where design is important and people really care about that kind of stuff.

If you caught on to that sarcasm, we will get along just fine. Grain+Dot is home to snarky, dry humored, and to the point greeting cards and home goods. Sentiments that are born of real life feelings about big life events, husbands, kids, dogs, and much more.
2. You are insanely creative. I love how you draw from pop culture to make beautiful home and paper goods. What is your biggest inspiration?
My husband and daughter are 82.3% of my inspiration. The other 17.7% is the pups, who can almost always be found enjoying the couches we apparently bought for them. Dog hair don’t care, anyone? Dog hair, I kind of definitely care, but its a losing battle.

Admittedly we watch almost no TV compared to our old binging days, but Friends, Parks and Rec, great British baking show will always be classics and comfort TV for my husband and I. Which is why you can find some inspiration drawn for these in the shop.
Click for >> Snarky Cards
3. You have the cutest daughter – that is full on toddler now. How do you fit in work time around your daughter’s schedule? What advice do you have for fellow working moms?
My advice is to schedule in independent play into your days. I did not do this for the longest time and ran myself desperately tired trying to fit in all work and housework in nap times, after bedtime and before morning wake up.
Admittedly I still fit in about 85% of my work while Hollie is sleeping, but having that 15% during her independent play is a great start.
My other advice; wake up before your children. Even if its just half an hour. I now have two full hours now before Hollie wakes up and its incredible what that time has done for my sanity, workflow, and motivation for the remainder of the day. Hallelujah for quiet time and hot coffee.

4. There is so much that goes into running a business. How much time do you spend creating your products vs. building your business? What is the hardest part about having your own business?
After being at this for seven years, I feel like these aspects of business come in seasons. Slow seasons are the perfect time for working on new products and busy seasons are ideal for building your business. Marketing, advertisements, shows etc.
The hardest part about having your own business is wearing every single hat. Days when I have 101 brilliantly creative ideas, yet all I have time to do is follow up with clients, organize files, and prep taxes, etc. Also taxes are THE WORST part of having your own business. But no one likes taxes so that was too obvious of an answer.

5. What is your best advice for women wanting to start their own business and open an Etsy shop?
Just start. The timing will never be perfect, nothing will ever be perfect enough for you to start. You have to begin somewhere so start today and give it your all.
You will learn and grow along the way, and your business will evolve into what it was meant to be.

6. You live in Colorado! Tell us what you like to do in your spare time!
Oh man, spare time.. what is that? The war cry of any mom especially work from home moms.
Honestly with most free time, I find myself designing or redesigning parts of our home. A little over a year ago we bought our current, and second home, a really open and unique tri-level built in the 80s. It was in builder grade, well-loved shape when we bought it and it has been so fun to design to our style.
7. It’s holiday season – and you sell beautiful gifts! What are your most popular holiday products that are popular for Small Business Saturday? Any favorites?
By far the most popular holiday products are custom offerings: Pet portraits, pet portrait pillows, children’s silhouettes and house portraits. It brings me so much joy when I get messages from customers telling me how much the family member or friend they gifted a pet portrait to loved their unique and personal gift. Kids that are off at college and missing their family dog, dogs who have passed and will always be loved and remembered. These are the products that have the most heart and I love the thoughtfulness behind these gifts.
8. Where can folks find you online?
Check out my site Grain + Dot (site here and Etsy Shop here) and follow me on Instagram here!
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