Pinterest Management for Lifestyle Bloggers

Cutting-edge Pinterest Resources from a veteran Pinterest Manager geared towards Lifestyle Bloggers and Website Owners.


Bringing you the most consistent results on Pinterest in 2023

Why hire me?

I am a regular blogger that was tired of not understanding Pinterest.

I have a large-ish blog that was getting very little Pinterest traction. I tried everything you see online – Pinterest SEO, keywords, Tailwind Tribes – and I got nowhere.

In the process, 2020 happened and Pinterest blocked my account. I have used the last 3 years to learn everything I can about Pinterest, and to bring my Pinterest account back to life.

Within the first three months of my testing, I saw my monthly Pinterest views increase by 28.12% and my engaged Pinterest traffic increase by 33.66%

Out of this whole process, Pinterest DNA was born.

What is Pinterest DNA? Pinterest DNA is a comprehensive system that is proven to bring you traffic while A/B testing fonts, colors, pin graphics, schedules and keywords to find a clear picture of what works on your site. And only your site.

To see examples of the pins I have created, check out this board here.


Maybe you’ve felt like this: Pinterest is a black hole. Nothing ever works on Pinterest. Only huge sites get Pinterest traffic.

But, this is something I know.

If you search your top keywords for your site, you can see tons of sites getting traffic for YOUR keywords. Someone is getting that traffic. Why isn’t it you?

I want to be the one to give that traffic to you!


Who is Pinterest DNA for? Pinterest DNA is for you if:

    • You don’t know how to use Pinterest to bring traffic to your site.

    • You have tried different Pinterest systems, but nothing has worked.

    • You know Pinterest is important, but haven’t tapped into the potential.

    • You know how to pin to Pinterest, but don’t have the time and energy.
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Your Pinterest DNA Plan:

I want to master the Pinterest algorithm and use your site-specific Pinterest strategy to drive traffic to your site.

$400/month, 3-month contract

*All packages require a premium Tailwind account.

You decide the content:

Every month you will submit 8 new or old pieces of content.  I will create a custom pinning schedule according to Pinterest algorithms that floods your account with fresh pins.

Your custom plan:

Your plan includes 30 custom new pins per month and a pinning schedule of 180 fresh pins scheduled per month (minimum of 6/day).

You will receive:

  • 30 custom pin designs A/B tested for you
  • 180 fresh pins scheduled per month (minimum of 6/day)
  • SEO Optimization of your pins & boards
  • Creation of 4-6 new boards per month
  • Monthly report showing progress based on your specific goals
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When it comes to Pinterest, I have no idea what I’m doing. My strategy has basically been to pin random things and hope something caught on. So when I heard about Ginny from Pinterest DNA, I knew this could be just the jumpstart my website needed. And Ginny delivered! In just one month, my Pinterest audience jumped up 50%. What I loved to see even more were those site clicks; in one month, my click through rate improved by 24%! Not only did Ginny have a winning Pinterest strategy to boost my business, but the pins she created for me were gorgeous, eye-catching, and super professional. If you’re Pinterest-clueless like I am, or just want someone to take that one-more-thing-burden off your plate, give Pinterest DNA a try!

Want to learn more?

Just sent me your website info below and I’ll get back to you with a custom evaluation of how Pinterest DNA can help you!


Right now, Pinterest is about bringing new content to users. This means content creators need to FLOOD Pinterest with new pins. If you are looking for a good Pinterest Manager in 2023, you need to look for lots of new pin creation and less scheduling re-pins. To gain traction in 2023, you need more pins and less random scheduling.

Right now, Pinterest is a long game. Pinterest keeps changing its algorithm to keep new content in front of the user. This means that content creators are seeing the best results when they pin strategically for the future. From my experience, a site should see progress within a few weeks – and then by 3 months there should be predictable results. Some pins might not see traction until the 5-6 month mark.

I do not offer money back, because I believe that the Pinterest DNA process will bear fruit – even if it is 4-6 weeks in the future. Because I will be constantly evaluating your site’s progress, I will adjust, test, and continue to implement the newest Pinterest strategies until you see results. I will treat your site as if it’s mine, and go to bat for you!

I do not create board covers. They do not affect your results in any way, and are only there to add to the aesthetic of your profile. Because Pinterest is a search engine, not a social media platform, very few people will actually see your board covers. I prefer to spend my time actually improving your reach. I do have some free board covers if you would like to implement them yourself.

In your welcome packet, I will ask you your goals. You will be able to choose your goals (clicks, Pinterest views, sales, etc.) and I will tailor your monthly reports around your goals.

Everyday I follow and learn from the best Pinterest Managers that have direct ties to Pinterest. I hear firsthand what Pinterest wants and how to accomplish that. If any fads change (Tribes/Not Tribes, Group Boards/Not Group Boards), I will adjust for your profile. I will take the liberty to make educated changes for your profile to reach the greatest results. I currently do not manage Tailwind Tribes because I have found those implementations do not affect change as much as basic Pinterest keyword SEO. I will manage your group boards for you.

Yes, you will need to have a Tailwind account so I can manage your account. The monthly fee is $9.99 and the annual fee is $119.88.  I make sure that I do not use Tailwind to only pin re-pins. I still create all fresh pins with Tailwind. I will always use the best process for your site. Please purchase Tailwind using my personal referral link here!

If you decide to walk away at any time, I will give you access to all your custom, tested pins. And at the end of every month, you will receive a monthly report based on your specific goals.

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My name is Ginny and I am just a regular work at home mom of two kids. I work for a remote employer by day, and I master Pinterest algorithms by night. I do my best work in my pajamas in bed, while watching reruns of White Collar.

I started delving into Pinterest because nothing was working for my site. My blog was like a black hole when it came to Pinterest. Even the Pinterest managers I hired weren’t getting anywhere.

Long story short, I learned Pinterest for myself, discovered a unique process to rank sites, took on clients, and now manage the Pinterest accounts of some awesome lifestyle bloggers.

Join me as we dig deep and master traffic through Pinterest!


9 Things to Boost your Pinterest Account RIGHT NOW

Grab this FREE resources to learn custom ways to boost your Pinterest account RIGHT NOW. Custom information just for the homeschooling niche.

Included: Top homeschool keywords for your Pinterest bio

Included: 4 must-have homeschool boards

Included: How to boost your boards

Included: Best practices to to re-pin your homeschool friend’s best content