I Tried this Simple Weekly Planner and This Is How It Changed My Life

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Are you looking for a simple weekly planner for moms that actually works? Well I can’t wait for you to read this review by my friend Nichole. Her experience with the flexibility of the weekly spreads of her planner makes me even want to buy one! Enjoy!

Weekly Planner Undated, Weekly Goals Schedule Planner


This weekly planner focus on meeting any of your needs. A weekly planner includes space to write your to-do list, appointments, and meeting and keep track of all days clearly with the weekly view. Blocks in the weekly page for priority and notes columns for your spontaneous and important events. 

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by Nichole Orench Rivera

Hello! I live in North Carolina with my husband, a little one who just turned two and a doggie that is for sure more spoiled than my child. I currently work remotely for Supreme Optimization, a life science digital marketing agency. When I am not in front of my laptop, you’ll find me spending time with my family and friends, baking all sorts of sweets, or doodling away on my Ipad. I am a fan of foreign Netflix shows (please watch Dark if you have not yet) and would love to one day be the main singer in a band (a girl can dream). Visit my website to read more about my background and learn about my first ever children’s book!

Untitled Artwork

Daddy what’s Calculus?

  • A little girl is fascinated by the mathematical world hidden between the pages of her Dad’s books. Join her as she learns about four different branches of Mathematics with the help of her Dad and her big imagination!

A Little About Me

I have a background in biological sciences while my husband’s is in data science. When the pandemic hit, he easily shifted to remote work as there are many opportunities to work remotely in his field. Meanwhile, I had just finished grad school and started my first job as a professor at a small college, which required me to balance in-person and online teaching, conduct office hours from home, and attend occasional on-campus meetings.

Things were running smoothly until we decided to grow our family and have a child. Suddenly, our small house felt cramped, and the high cost of living in our area made daycare unaffordable on our combined incomes. I continued with a hybrid work arrangement, but it quickly became clear that something had to change. That’s when we made the decision to move to another state in pursuit of financial stability, and I made the switch to remote work.

Now, both of us work full-time from home, and together we navigate the challenges of working from home, while juggling the responsibilities of parenting. Our days are filled with the joyful chaos that comes with having a little one and a dog, both of whom keep us busy, entertained, and constantly on our toes.

But a few months ago it was not a joyful type of chaos. Prior to moving, I anticipated the challenges of settling into a new location and starting a new job… What I didn’t expect was the stress that came with the sheer magnitude of tasks that started to accumulate once we were in our new home. From transferring driver’s licenses and scheduling doctor appointments, to client meetings and grocery trips, our days seemed shorter than my endless to-do’s and I was feeling burnt out and overwhelmed. 

Weekly Planner Undated, Weekly Goals Schedule Planner


This weekly planner focus on meeting any of your needs. A weekly planner includes space to write your to-do list, appointments, and meeting and keep track of all days clearly with the weekly view. Blocks in the weekly page for priority and notes columns for your spontaneous and important events. 

Are you looking for a simple weekly planner for moms that actually works?  Well then check this review out!

My Simple Weekly Planner

That is until I tried this simple weekly planner. This planner changed my life and how I approached my to-do list. Here’s how:

  1. More efficient time management: Back in grad school, Google Calendar was my go-to for staying on top of things. But now being a mom, in a new location, with a new job meant that work tasks mixed in with everyday tasks in the same calendar was not going to work. Switching to a weekly planner allowed me to segment my week effectively. Now, I can distribute tasks by day, making it easier to prioritize my weekly to-do list.
  1. Prioritizing tasks: My planner has a designated space for high-priority items, lower priority-tasks, as well as for items to follow-up on. This makes it super easy to prioritize tasks each week, enabling me to tackle the main ones first, and the rest when time permits with few things slipping through the cracks (because let’s face it, some things do fall through some times, and that is okay!).
  1. I can now track my me-time: The weekly planner pages also include a skills/habits tracker at the bottom of each week. This section has been a true game-changer for not forgetting to take time for myself! I can track the frequency of my daily runs, work training, healthy eating, and prayer. Keeping track this way has transformed how I view these activities and helps me stay consistent without feeling guilty for missed days. When I keep track of and on top of time for myself, I feeI a happier more present mom and spouse.
  1. That sense of achievement!: The routine I’ve developed of checking off completed tasks throughout the day, has for sure boosted my sense of accomplishment. Even on weeks when I can’t check off everything, the planner leaves me feeling in control of my time. I’m surprised at how I’ve been able to find and spend more quality time with my family and even pursue fun side-projects, like writing, illustrating, and publishing my first children’s book, Daddy What’s Calculus?!
  1. Work-Life Balance is now possible: The weekly planner has helped me establish clearer boundaries between my work and home life. I’ve become more efficient in completing work-related responsibilities during designated work hours and this newfound balance has significantly diminished everyday stresses. 

If you had asked me a year ago, I never would have thought of ever switching from digital calendars to physical planners. I had before found them cumbersome and hard to keep track of, now, there is not a day I don’t use my planner. 

I’d love to know of other simple weekly planners that have worked well for other working moms. As I approach the end of the 54 weeks of using my current planner, I’d love to try a different one! In the whirlwind of life as a working from home mom, I’ve come to realize that there is no such thing as perfect organization but with the right tools, it’s certainly a bit easier to navigate the chaos.

Weekly Planner Undated, Weekly Goals Schedule Planner


This weekly planner focus on meeting any of your needs. A weekly planner includes space to write your to-do list, appointments, and meeting and keep track of all days clearly with the weekly view. Blocks in the weekly page for priority and notes columns for your spontaneous and important events. 

Do you need a weekly planning template?

If you are thinking of a monthly, daily planner, or even hourly planner, definitely consider weekly planner templates! They are the perfect way to track your work, kids routines, and week-to-week schedule. Some companies even have printable weekly planner templates, and customizable weekly planner covers. The sky is the limit!

Share below your favorite way to schedule your day!

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I Tried this Simple Weekly Planner and This Is How It Changed My Life