5 Simple Summer Schedule Ideas for Working Parents

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We are headed into the summer, and every working parent is needing easy summer schedule ideas to keep their kids busy while they work. It’s so hard, right? Use these 5 tips to give your family a calm and happy summer schedule that works for you.

Every parent wants a happy sunny summer that feels like running barefoot in a green field while picking gorgeous flowers.

But, every working parent will be strapped to their desk, trying to keep loud kids happy, while juggling an almost-impossible summer schedule.

It doesn’t feel idyllic, does it?

If you are struggling with creating a summer schedule that fits your family, keep reading for my favorite simple tips!

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We are headed into the summer, and every working parent is needing easy summer schedule ideas to keep their kids busy while they work. It's so hard, right? Use these 5 tips to give your family a calm and happy summer schedule that works for you.

1. Start a Morning Routine

Imagine this. Breakfast is done and the day needs to begin. And what happens? Every single kid runs to their room and pulls out every single toy. Right?


Not if you have a simple morning summer schedule!

Before you ease into your summer routine and let your kids run all over you, decide what would make your morning routines seem simple. Quiet? Peaceful play? Lower expectations?

Ask yourself this:

What are two easy morning goals the whole family can accomplish this summer?

These might be simple things like having your children finish their summer reading. It might be buying a new Preschool workbook and having your child finish 2 pages every morning. It might be reading a book outloud – just 2 pages a day.

Now, how do you do this while working?

When my kids are home (whether sick, or during a holiday), we have our mornings at the kitchen table. I am able to grab my laptop and a cup of coffee while they grab their workbooks/coloring books. We spend about 30 minutes working together every morning. My kids look forward to it!

And, if you want to add in a few pages of reading, it’s really easy to add after you’ve spent 30 minutes starting the day.

Try it! It’s a great morning routine.

Use this free printable to plan your morning summer routine!

Summer Planner For Working Moms
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2. Be Flexible

Some of my favorite mornings with my kids are when we decide to scrap the “plan” and change it up.

Now, if you are working, it’s really hard to just quit your work and head to the park for the morning. But what can you do? Here are some ideas!

Indoor Playground: We have an indoor playground near us that is $50/kid for the whole month. If I were just looking for a fun play time with my kids, that would be a steep price. But, if you are going to purchase a membership for the kids this summer so they can play while you work – it’s great solution!

The Library: Our library has a play area that is self-contained, with awesome tables and chairs that I can work in. It’s a great play/work solution.

Restaurants with playgrounds: I OFTEN frequent my local Chik-Fil-A at 10am just to work, drink coffee, and let my kids run around. It’s a great solution! (And you might meet a lot of other desperate moms!)

3. Decide What Matters

This summer is yours.

You get to decide.

Instead of running around being miserable, decide what you want out of this summer.

Currently, I’m on the cusp of summer sans babysitter. It’s honestly a little terrifying because I’m worried our home-life, my work, my parenting, or ALL the above will suffer.

But, I’m choosing to decide what I want to matter this summer. Here is what I’m deciding this year:

I’m choosing fun – I listened to a fantastic podcast called “What we need to have more fun” by the Lazy Genius Collective, and I was convicted that I don’t know what “fun” is for my family. I feel like I’m a fun mom, but do I really know how to put my phone down and just enjoy my family without any schedule? This is the summer that changes!

I’m choosing kid independence – My kids are ages 3, and 6, and I’ve decided this is the summer we move towards independence. We will be adopting lots of chore charts, breakfast training sessions, and house cleaning tutorials. I want to give my kids independence, and this is the summer! (Click here to see how I teach my kids independent play.)

I’m choosing me – This is the year I take hikes by myself. This is the year I read lots of summer novels while my kids play by themselves in the backyard. I’m going to lean into this hard, and take time for myself.

4. Be Creative

I think being a work at home mom is the DEFINITION of being creative. We can’t just disappear to the office and use the same babysitter routine that everyone else is using.

Instead, we are piecing together schedules, family routines, childcare, and work hours that fit our family.

And it’s hard!

Here are some clever ways to add creativity to your summer:

5. What does summer mean to you?

When August 31 rolls around, and you look back on your summer, what will you think? What will stand out in your mind as “that made our summer successful”?

For instance, your entire summer might revolve around a week at the beach. And, if you don’t hit that milestone, you will resent summer.

Your summer might be completely full of pool days, cookouts, late nights in the backyard, and day trips to the mountains, but if you don’t make it to the beach, it will be a fail.

This is super important to identify now! What will make your summer a success?

Right that down prioritize it all summer. Say no to every single day trip and Friday afternoon off-work, in order to make that beach trip happen.

Print out the summer schedule checklist below and create your own summer bucket list.

*Do not print off a generic bucket list off of Pinterest! Make your own. You won’t resent it that way.*

Your Summer Schedule Checklist

You need this summer schedule checklist! It’s designed specifically for working parents that will be be juggling home, family, and work this summer.

Inside you will find 11 pages including:

  • Calendars for June, July, and August
  • Blank weekly planner pages where you can schedule weekly goals and summer plans
  • Blank daily planner pages for your block schedule routine, and sections for Home/Family/Work
  • Brainstorm page to write down your summer goals (What does summer mean to you?)
  • Work goals page to not lose track of your business goals
  • A morning routine page to map out your morning rhythm
  • Chore chart pages for your kids’ chores and schedules (can also be used for bath time, coursework, and any home obligations)
  • A final page for your summer deadlines to map out what made this summer successful

Download for free below!

Summer Planner For Working Moms
Grab a free printable planner just for working moms!
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Summer Planner For Working Moms
Grab a free printable planner just for working moms!
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5 Simple Summer Schedule Ideas for Working Parents