✅ Remove newborn poop stains – 3 Steps for Guaranteed Results

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I know why you are here. You need to know how to remove newborn poop stains from baby clothes. Well, I have THE solution. You only need three products for perfectly clean baby clothes! I guarantee it.

Let’s be honest. No one tells you how hard it is too clean poop off of clothes.

I just thought I needed that Dreft spray (which does nothing btw) and all would be fine. Um NO.

Within the first week of having my first baby, I had a pile of clothes that were SO DIRTY and I just wanted to throw them away. I was so frustrated.

Has anyone been there?

Luckily, my mother and grandmother were in town and helped me find a PERFECT solution. This is how to remove newborn poop stains from ANY clothes.

I am sure you have seen tons of solutions for doing this. Many involve using essential oils, cup lemon juice, dawn dish soap, direct sunlight, stain stick, and even baking soda….believe me, I’ve tried all of those. I ALWAYS have stubborn stains that those solutions don’t work for. I also don’t have hours to sun-bathe my baby’s clothes out on the lawn.

Y’all with me?

Instead, this process takes just minutes. And you can just drop the clothes and go. Perfect for when you have a screaming baby covered in poop.

Also, this WORKS every time. I don’t have any clothes that have newborn poop stains on them because of this. Enjoy!

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I know why you are here. You need to know how to remove newborn poop stains from baby clothes. Well, I have THE solution. You only need three products for perfectly clean baby clothes! I guarantee it.

The best diapers to prevent blowouts

Did you know that choosing the right diapers can prevent blowouts?

I didn’t know this at first, and thought that every baby had blowouts regardless of their diapers. Not so! Here are some tricks I’ve learned to prevent blowouts and baby poop stains.

  1. If your child does have a diaper blowout, it means they need to move to the next size. Don’t even try to finish that pack of diapers! Just give them away on Facebook Marketplace (see my Facebook marketplace selling tips here!) and move up to the next size.
  2. Worries that your child isn’t ready for the next size? Just layer an old size and new size diaper for extra protection until they are ready!
  3. I have tried SO MANY diapers. I tend to rotate between Huggies, Pampers, and Costco, but if I’m being honest, these are my favorite diapers. Pampers Baby Dry are much higher on your baby’s back, so they prevent leakage and baby stain and baby poo going up the back. Totally recommend!

What you need to remove set-in newborn poop stains from baby clothes:

Do it yourself removal: newborn poop stains

Keep all three items in your laundry room ready to go. When something gets stained…

  1. Remove as much of the bowel movement as possible
  2. Spray the stain with OxiClean stain pretreatment spray bottle. (I don’t scrub this in – just spray it!)
  3. Put the sprayed clothes into the bucket.
  4. I keep this bucket in my laundry room and let clothes soak in it for a few days. I always have a rotating bucket of clothes in my laundry room! (I like to keep the bucket on a towel on my washing machine.)
  5. Add a little Biz into the bucket and fill with water (hot water, warm water or cold water) – ABOVE THE CLOTHES LINE.
  6. Let clothes soak at least 24 hours.
  7. Add clothes as they are soiled for the next day or so.
  8. When you are ready to wash clothes (anywhere from 24 hours – 1 week later), add the entire bucket contents to your load and run in the washer and dryer.
  9. If after the first load, the stain doesn’t seem to be completely gone, soak again, and put the piece of clothing in an extra rinse cycle.
  10. That’s it! Spray, soak, wash. ✅

(For additional tips to remove newborn poop stains from your kids clothes, make sure you check out this foolproof guide from Mom Loves Best. They have awesome tips!)

After you read this, make sure you check out my Ultimate breastfeeding and pumping guide. I spent over 20 hours on this guide – giving you every tip you need to incorporate pumping into your busy mom travel schedule. Check it out here!

Additional Tips for stubborn poop stains on your baby outfit:

  • I leave the bucket by the washing machine and just keep adding clothes to the bucket whenever there are new stained clothes.
  • I’ve left clothes soaking for a week. As long as the water level covers the clothes – all is fine.  I have found that the clothes need to soak at least for 24 hours.
  • When we go on a trip, I take the OxiClean spray with me. I spray clothes, and wrap in a plastic bag until I am able to get home to soak them.
  • I have used this on so many types of fabric. But if you are worried about your baby’s outfit, I would definitely test on a smaller part of the stained item first before soaking the whole garment.

Stains I have been able to get out:

  • Stains that were washed and dried.  If the newborn poop stains were not removed, I just soaked them again and got them out the second time!
  • Stains that had soaked into the clothes for SIX days (from vacation). While on vacation, I carried the spray with me and pre-treated the clothes. Then, when we got home six days later, I soaked them for 48 hours and washed. The newborn poop stains were gone!
  • Stains that did not remove the first time. I repeated this whole process and they were removed.

I know this sounds too good to be true – but let me tell you. I have used this method on the WORST stains – with fabulous results!

Save your sanity. Skip the complicated ingredients, and keep your baby’s clothes clean!

After you read this, make sure you check out my Ultimate breastfeeding and pumping guide. I spent over 20 hours on this guide – giving you every tip you need to incorporate pumping into your busy mom travel schedule. Check it out here!

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✅ Remove newborn poop stains – 3 Steps for Guaranteed Results