DIY Website Copy Generator: Genius Promplates Review

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Are you looking for a DIY website copy generator so you can create a professional website…without paying the big bucks? Well, it’s possible with Promptlates – a website copy generator that gives you prompts and templates to create a website that sounds like YOU. Get a discount below!

When I created this site, I knew I wanted my site to sound like me. But honestly, I had no idea what that meant.

What do I want to say? How do I say it? What am I even offering? How can I be “me”?

So, I knew that I didn’t trust myself to write my site – but I couldn’t afford a real copywriter. To be honest – very few people can!

I also didn’t want to spend thousands of dollars for a copywriter. I mean, that would be amazing, but not possible for my budget.

Also, in an age of AI tools and the rise of ChatGPT, I definitely didn’t want “stock wording” that could be found on any similar website. I needed to stand out!

I found a solution with Jess Jordana’s Promptlates course, and within a week I had custom copy for my site – that was written by me without ANY stress.

Let me tell you how it works!

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GET $100 OFF

$100 off easy website copy – Promptlates


Get everything you need to put words to your unique value in a way that your audience actually gets so you can connect quickly and convert consistently with your website copy.

The Website Bundle Promptlates are a proven process designed to take you from idea all the way to publishing words on your website that WORK for your business.

Use code SECRETPERKS for $100 off!


Why do you need a website copy generator?

What kind of site are you creating? A product or sales site to sell your creation? A lifestyle brand that showcases your influencer skills? A service site to market your offerings?

Whatever kind of website you create, you need words.

You need words to introduce yourself, share your story, market your products, and ultimately connect with your readers.

Without words, you don’t have anything.

Do you trust your vocabulary and phrasing? Do you trust your marketing skills?

If you are anything like me, you have no idea what words to put on paper. I mean, once I tried to identify with my readers by asking if they liked frozen oreos. I mean, REALLY? That’s my main focus?

So, if you are struggling with your words and your focus. You need help. But you need help that lets you sound like you. And not sound like every competitor out there. You need guidance, but freedom to be yourself.

Oh, and you need clicks and to make a lot of money too. Right?

If this is you, then you need Promptlates.

What is a Promptlate?

The Promptlate Shop is your one-stop-shop to DIY copy that’ll have people saying, “Who’s your copywriter?” WITHOUT the pro-copywriter price tag. You can find resources for your website pages (home, about, services), plus social media captions and even your client welcome packet! You’ll never have to guess at words that WORK for your business again.

Jessica Jordana coined the word “Promptlate” (yes, fancy) to describe her DIY copywriting resources. They’re 50% prompts + 50% templates. Get it? Prompt-late? These resources were designed specifically to be a guiding light for all of the copy you need to write in order to run a successful business

Jess was a high school English teacher, and she had a personal vendetta against one-size-fits-all templates. The Promptlates strike a balance between helping you come up with content ideas based on YOUR UNIQUE VALUE instead of looking around at everyone else’s. Then we give you a starting place for how to arrange all of those words on the page so you’ll have copy that has people binge-reading and taking action quickly.

Currently, they have Promptlates for: home page, about page, services page, welcome packet, and social media captions.

GET $100 OFF

$100 off easy website copy – Promptlates


Get everything you need to put words to your unique value in a way that your audience actually gets so you can connect quickly and convert consistently with your website copy.

The Website Bundle Promptlates are a proven process designed to take you from idea all the way to publishing words on your website that WORK for your business.

Use code SECRETPERKS for $100 off!


How I used the Promptlate course for my site

Website Bundle Mockup

I purchased the Website Bundle (course page here, purchase here) because I needed copy for my homepage, about page, and services page. If you are only interested in one of these, you can buy them separately. Jess also offer smaller bundles for your social media captions and client welcome packet.

As soon as I started the Promptlate course, I was in love.

With the Promptlate’s course, I was able to write up this entire site – from my homepage, to my about page, to my WAHM Starter Guide here. And it helped me write my entire site – and sound just like me!

If you don’t know if you need a homepage, call-to-action, scroll page with buttons and testimonials, headlines, certain landing pages, or cta buttons for your target audience, JESS WILL SHOW YOU. She will tell you exactly which elements you need on your site. So instead of stressing out, and not knowing where to begin, begin with Promptlates.

I was able to finish the entire writing process in about a week! It’s pretty addicting once you get started.

The whole time I kept thinking, “This is too easy! This won’t work!”

But sure enough. By the time I was done and was following Jess’s prompts for my pages, each section just magically appeared.

I wrote out each section ONCE and they were perfect.

Magic, I tell you.

Keep reading to see how it works.

Prompts: How to discover your voice

If you are needing high-converting pages, then Promptlates can do all this for you:

  • Help you decide what services/products to offer
  • Help you decide your goals
  • Write your product and service descriptions for you
  • Write your sales page with MULTIPLE templates, depending on what you need
  • Help you find your tone of voice!

How does this work?

First, there is a LOT of what Jess calls “Pre-Work”. You have to answer a lot of questions and inputs to get your brain on the page. The goal is to write “gut response” and not think too much. Here’s an example.

Promptlates Sales Page Example

As I was writing these answers, the ideas came easily. What made me different? What did I want for each person reading?

I was amazed how Jess asked me questions I’ve NEVER thought of before. And including those brainstorms and tiny details helped me write a homepage that I’m SUPER proud of.

Once you complete the Google Drive brainstorm prompts for each page (one for home, one for sales, one for about), then she gives you TONS of ways to use that info. These prompts and templates are the key features of the Promptlates course.

Those answers are gold – and you will use them again and again.

Now, you are ready to create your pages!

Once you have TONS of answers, stories, ideas, light-bulb moments written down, it’s time to put them all together.

Jess gives you TONS of templates. Do you want your homepage to a sales funnel, an inspirational page, a place to build a community, etc?

For each page you can pick which kind of template you will use to put the page sections together.

Then, she gives you specific instructions for each section, and you will fill out sections like this> She tells you how to speak to your readers AND WHICH PROMPTS TO USE.

You just look up Prompts A6 and A7, and put them together! Seriously, these took very little editing, and I had complete pages in minutes. I literally used my first draft of my prompts, and they worked!

And, you have a homepage. GOLD.

Screenshot 2023 06 27 at 2.48.16 PM

I was SHOCKED that each prompt immediately gave me vision for each page. I put them together, added them into my gorgeous new site (hello, Elementor theme!), and VOILA! I had a custom professional site.

You don’t need AI

If you want to say good-bye to generative AI writers and AI writing tools, and keep your personal one-of-a-kind voice, but also save TIME and MONEY, then do that with Promptlates.

Their website copy prompts and landing page generator and templates will save you so much money, and remove the stress that you also have to be a copysmith.

Create high-quality content by focusing on your blog posts, and leave copy and words to Jess. She’s got you.

If you need sales copy, marketing copy, or copy for your socials (Facebook ads, Linkedin, Instagram stories), start with Jess. In a click of a button, she will be on your side helping you show your readers’ your best self.

How to re-use your Promptlates content

Since creating and launching my website, I have re-used my Promptlates content writing for SO many things.

I use my prompts to write emails, Facebook posts, my media kit, and product descriptions I use all over my site.

To read all about my favorite email newsletter tools (and get my professional email marketing opinion) check out this master guide here!

I trust Jess. She is a brilliant wordsmith. She stays current with SEO keywords, copywriting tools, and content marketing tips that I need. I want her on my side!

Will the Promptlate website copy generator work for you?

If you have website on a traditional web platform (WordPress, Blogger, Squarespace, WIX), you need Promptlates.

If you are looking for a content generator that will keep your site feeling personal and unique, you need Promptlates.

And, if you struggle with outlines, long-form content creation, and short-form content, then you need Promptlates.

Leave a note below if you used Jess’s courses! I can’t wait to check out your site!

GET $100 OFF

$100 off easy website copy – Promptlates


Get everything you need to put words to your unique value in a way that your audience actually gets so you can connect quickly and convert consistently with your website copy.

The Website Bundle Promptlates are a proven process designed to take you from idea all the way to publishing words on your website that WORK for your business.

Use code SECRETPERKS for $100 off!


Questions you might be asking:

What’s included in the Website Bundle?

  • Home Page Promptlate® to capture + keep visitors on your site
  • About Page Promptlate® to create trust + fuel conversion
  • Services Page Promptlate® to give clarity to your unique value and make sales
  • Plus, 30+ lessons to walk you through the “why” behind the “how” of copy


  • Uncover your brand voice workbook
  • Swipeable headline formula library
  • Swipeable CTA library
  • Footer navigation 101
  • Google doc formatting template
  • Recycle and repurpose cheat sheet
  • Contact Page Mini Promptlate®
  • Instagram Bio Mini Promptlate®
  • Prompts to help ChatGPT know your business & become your writing assistant

Is there a free trial?

I don’t believe there is a free trial for Promptlates.

How long does the process take?

It took me about a week, and I worked on it every night. I bet you can complete it between 3 days and 4 weeks! It’s totally up to you!

See all FAQ here.

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Are you looking for a DIY website copy generator so you can create a professional website...without paying the big bucks? Well, it's possible with Promptlates - a website copy generator that gives you prompts and templates to create a website that sounds like YOU. Get a discount below!

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DIY Website Copy Generator: Genius Promplates Review