What it’s really like to be a mom working from home

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Hello, reader!  Hello, fellow mom! Hello, mom working from home. ?

I wanted to give you an update about what is happening with A Modern Commonplace Book. 

This site has actually been around now since 2013 – and since then it has been just a place for me to post all kinds of random thoughts.  Recipes?  Mom tips?  Home organization?  Check.

Recently I realized that I don’t know what my purpose is.  I love this site – but have felt a little lost with who my readers are – and what they want to hear.

A lot of bloggers go through a period of rebranding – changing the logo, the site name, URL.  And honestly I didn’t really want to revamp that much!  I also wanted to make sure all my old content was still relevant.

Me at desk

I am a work-at-home mom

As I thought about switching my niche, I didn’t feel drawn to any niche in particular.  I am not a chef.  I am not a DIYer.  I feel like every day I am just surviving – with my job and my family.  Then I realized.  I am a work-at-home mom, and that is what I know best!

I might not be a gourmet cook, but I definitely know how to make dinner in 20 minutes right when work ends at 5pm.

I might not be a Pinterest mom, but I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve to occupy a toddler while I am working.

Read more about me here!

Are you a mom working from home?

Do you have a full-time job at home?  Have an Etsy shop?  Work long hours at night on your YouTube channel?  I’d love to meet you! 

I’d love to be encouraged and know that I’m not the only mom doing it all!

Some days it feels like I am so on top of it – and I am in complete control of my life.  Some days I feel like I am all alone, and don’t know how women can possibly do it all.  I think it’s time for work-at-home moms to share their stories, band together, and be strong knowing we are kicking butt for our jobs and our families!

Even if you are not a work-at-home mom, please stay!  I want to get to know you as well, and hopefully there will be plenty of tips and tricks to encourage you as well!

Please leave a comment down below and tell me more about yourself!  Also – if you have a shop, website, or YouTube channel – please share your info!

What will you find on this site?

My goal is to provide resources in all areas of life – that pertain to the work-at-home mom.  I’d love to share toddler and kid tips, work-at-home schedules, day in the life posts, resources for jobs and side-hustles, and even interviews with you sharing what you do!

I am still working, being a mom – and even having another baby in a couple of months.  So….my promise is that I will post as often as I can!  Once I create a post schedule and have a little more regularity in my life, I will share that as well.

In the meantime, here is a little taste of what you can find on this site:

Please also follow me on Pinterest and join my “Work at Home” board!  I share all kinds of awesome job and mom pins for the work-at-home mom.

What now?

Will you please do something for me?  Please sign up below to receive notifications about future posts – and check the “I am work at home mom” checkbox.  I will send you special resources just for you!

Thanks, friend!  I can’t wait to meet you!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Amy Sloan

    Thanks, Ginny! I love the resources you share, and your down-to-earth, this-is-real-life approach. ❤ As a full-time homeschool mom who also holds part-time volunteer positions in the community and a bit-more-than-part-time collection of online jobs, I need all the help and encouragement I can get. 🙂 Sometimes it just helps to know we aren’t alone, and that other working moms are *not* actually doing it “all,” whatever “all” is. 😉 Can’t wait to read more from you!

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Oh hey there!

I’m Ginny and can’t wait to meet you! I work 50+ hours a week. Mom my two kids. And strive everyday to spend more real time with my husband and kids.

All I want to be is a good mom who works hard. That’s not too much to ask, right?  Come hang out with me and do more than the bare minimum.


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What it’s really like to be a mom working from home