![Self Care for Working Moms - 30 Incredible Tips from Real Moms 1 4c828ee33dd6b525ca91f0f29587799a](https://modernwahm.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/4c828ee33dd6b525ca91f0f29587799a.jpeg)
If you are looking for new tips about self care for working moms to take care of yourself while you work, watch kids, sit at a desk, and run around your kitchen, look no further! This is the ultimate list of self-care for working moms – ideas for your mental health, physical health, and overall well-being.
![Self Care for Working Moms - 30 Incredible Tips from Real Moms 2 If you are looking for new tips about self care for working moms to take care of yourself while you work, watch kids, sit at a desk, and run around your kitchen, look no further! This is the ultimate list of self-care for working moms - ideas for your mental health, physical health, and overall well-being.](https://modernwahm.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Copy-of-Untitled.png)
This photo speaks so much to me.
It’s late at night. You are still working. The baby is between feedings and just won’t sleep. I have been here, and it is rough. Do you remember being at this stage and thinking that it will never get normal again?
Some seasons we just yearn for a normal schedule and a few free minutes to ourselves.
We just want someone to take care of us.
It is during times like this that self-care is LAST on our list. I mean, if I can choose between taking a bath or getting an extra 30 minutes of sleep, sleep wins.
But, like we all know, self-care is so important. ESPECIALLY for busy moms that have no time. So, I asked friends for the best self-care ideas for busy moms, and they didn’t disappoint! They have shared so many unique and clever ways to integrate self-care into a full schedule. I can’t wait to share them!
(If you want to get on my mailing list to be featured next time, just click here!)
Also, before I get into the list, make sure you download my free block schedule template for busy moms, and use it to schedule in a few minutes for self-care this week. Yes, that’s possible. You can see that whole block schedule template and video for how to use it here.
Here are the best tips for self care for working moms from over 30 busy moms just like you!
Journal and jot down thoughts about your role as a mom. – Donae, Mommy to Be and Beyond
Go lay down on the floor of a room and close the door for 5 minutes. Seriously, try it. – Ginny
Getting up before the kids to enjoy a cup of coffee alone in peace. – MaKenna MamaKenna.com
“Take time for you. You can’t give from an empty cup. Get enough sleep, drink water, eat healthy, plan a date with the girls. Laugh. Go for a walk. Read a good book. Watch a good movie.” Starla, Coffee with Starla
Do the hard stuff. Work. Pay the bills. Take care of what needs to be taken care of. Work on your own healing. Putting off the stressful things will only cause more stress. Take care of the hard things for your peace of mind. Do the next thing. One thing at a time.
Starla, Coffee with Starla
Breathing exercises are super helpful to reduce anxiety and stress when needed. If you feel that your getting really overwhelmed, angry, or frustrated, take a moment to just breathe. That’s it! Donae, Mommy to Be and Beyond
The number self-care tips I would give all moms is to either have one day every week or one day every month that you cater to you. This means, you can sleep in, meditate, take long bubble baths, go for long works and ideally do anything you want. This means your partner takes care of EVERYTHING the moment your YOU DAY starts. This is the perfect time to reflect , journal your thoughts and checkin with yourself to see if you are living your best life as a mom. And if not, what can be changed, tweaked or done to make you the best person that you can be for everyone else. – Divine, Mommy Makes Money Online
This is random, but if there are any moms with kiddos under 3ish, I would give yourself a great deal of grace. Babies are so hard and inconsistent. What I battled with the most was fatigue, not having help with kids and then feeling unproductive. But once the kids got a little bigger it was much easier to be a functional human being again. – Kathleen
Take Sundays off! (Or, if that day doesn’t work, pick another day). Now obviously, we moms never actually get a day off, but I make sure that I don’t do any chores like cleaning or laundry. And, I don’t do any work for my freelance job. Instead, I hang out with my husband and kids, read a book, go for a walk, or something else relaxing. It’s amazing how having a super lazy day makes me all the more productive, refreshed, and recharged the next day.
Bridget, Work at Home Savvy
I like to put as much as I can on autopilot! As a busy WAHM homeschooling 5 kids, I can’t let things like wondering if we’re going to run out of printer ink in the middle of lessons take up precious brain space. Printer ink gets delivered without me having to think about it. Vegetables show up on my doorstep once a week. I do whatever exercise is scheduled next on my Pilates calendar. It makes my days run so much more smoothly! Sometimes self care is as simple as getting rid of some of that extra mental load! – Amy, Humility and Doxology
I’ve started doing my nails (never cared much before!) SO MUCH! I have scheduled “me time” every Sunday afternoon. No kid. No husband. No responsibility. Just me. It’s usually an hour, sometimes 90 minutes if I have a particular skin something or bath soak to try, but it’s MINE. Family walks at least a few days a week after work now that the sun is out longer. I started volunteering for a local charity once a week, too. That sounds like “other care,” and it IS, but it makes me feel so good, too! – Leanne
Find a hobby that doesn’t involve work or your children. For instance, I find a lot of peace in gardening and doing puzzles. I include my kids sometimes, but I also can do these things without them. These are things I enjoy doing and they don’t feel like work at all, which is really key. – Bridget, Work at Home Savvy
I like to keep a tally sheet when I refill my water bottle so it forces me to drink more (somehow?!) – I can never remember when I refill it, so writing it down really helps me visualize how often I’m drinking!
And besides that, I make sure to do a whole skincare routine at night (instead of the morning) because A. I’m alone with nobody bugging me (lol) and B. I find it really helps me unwind at night. I have zero time in morning chaos to do more than brush my teeth and wash my face, so I treasure my nighttime time to myself! – Niki
Since we can’t travel right now — I’m trying to make my house and living room look like a fantastic hotel lounge in a place I’d like to travel to (plants, flowers, lighting) and then sitting on my couch and reading magazines. – Jolene
For the first half of COVID (until it got cold) I loved firepit nights with girlfriends. – Jolene
As a busy work from home mom, sometimes self-care looks different than you would expect. For me, its putting down all distractions and spending one-on-one time with my daughter or son. I’ve realized that having my phone out while playing with my kids makes me irritable at times. But when I’m fully focused on my kids, it’s exactly what my soul needs (and what theirs needs too!). – Trinity, The Pay at Home Parent |
I wake up 30 minutes before the kids so I can sit in my closet and just read or watch something entertaining. Why the closet? Because I can close the door and is a space that’s really just for me. My husband is not allowed there. The point is to create a space in your house in which only you have access and be able to sit there and enjoy peace and quiet everyday, even if it’s 5 minutes. – Briggette, BeingUAintEasy
I’m not saying to make sure you are getting all the water you need each day, although that is certainly good too. But I’m saying to get a glass of water, however large or small you would like, and sip it. Taste it. Enjoy it. Don’t just chug it and move on. Let it be a moment where you can just sit and enjoy the cool taste of it. Sounds weird, right? Yep. But this has been one of the best things I have ever done to help reduce stress!
This is a good one if you are feeling especially stressed. I don’t care if you use a dedicated journal or just a scrap of paper. Write down whatever you are thinking. This is a no judgement zone. If you want to make sure no one ever reads it, feel free to throw it away or shred it when you are done. But just the process of writing it down can help relieve stress.
Also, write down the good stuff. You could keep a gratitude journal or keep track of cute things your kids say or do. Then you’ll have something to go back to when you need to see something good in your life.
Lauren, My Something Beautiful Life
Mama, take a Momcation! Give yourself time away to relax, refresh, and reconnect with yourself. Being a mom is a wonderful blessing that brings indescribable joy and happiness, but let’s not forget that it also requires a lot of work and nearly all of your time. You may be thinking that a Momcation sounds selfish. Respectfully, let me remind you that you can’t pour from an empty cup. When moms have a chance to focus on their own needs, they will be much better equipped to attend to the needs of their families with grace. Now that I’ve convinced you to take some well-deserved time away, keep your Momcation budget-friendly. This will allow you to enjoy your trip without worrying about any major consequences in the bank. To save money, travel in the off-season, look for free activities and events, bring your own snacks/beverages/breakfast foods, and split all costs by making it a group trip and travel with friends. Mama, when we take care of ourselves, we are better able to care for others. When planning your Momcation, remember that this trip is all you. Make sure to choose something that you find relaxing and enjoyable. And don’t forget to thank your spouse too! – Kelcey, FlawlesslyFitish |
Self-care for your BODY
Turn on a Cosmic Kids Yoga with your child and join them in a little exercise! I’m shocked by how relaxing this YouTube channel is. – Ginny
Take a Peloton ride at lunch. – Sheelagh
I have learned that I can run a mile in under 10 minutes, so if I have cup of tea brewing I run my driveway or elliptical before the kids are up and by the time I’m back up the hill my tea is ready for my sweat embrace.
Then I do a 30min workout which is THE SAME EVERY DAY and is primarily in place/isometeric exercises. Having a “choreographed” workout routine in my head that I just have muscle memory for is incredible because it has saved my 30 minutes of frantically scrolling through youtube yoga videos and annoying ads.
After I’ve moved my body for at least 10-30 minutes, I can have my sit down ‘tea time’ guilt free, take a breath and catch up with Jesus. If I move my body and God moves my heart then even if my ‘three’nager comes down the stairs with Anna hair and Elsa attitude, life’s good because I did the most important things for me first.
I’m not a fitness type of person… but having this kind of structure has really helped me mentally more than physically.
Kat, Winning Warmups
Whether you’re a new mum who struggles with hair loss, or if you just want to add a bit of volume to fine hair, this cheap fix really works. Make a hair mask with equal parts of coconut oil and aloe vera gel. Put it in overnight and wash it well in the morning. Bonus, your hair will be lovely and soft, and you’ll smell all coconutty!
Whether you’ve been up all night with your teething baby or working on a deadline for your very demanding boss, this cheap trick will refresh and brighten your tired skin. First, fill a bowl with ice cubes. Then, drop your face in it, for as long as you can bear it. If you have 15 minutes spare, put on a plain (greek if you have it) yoghurt mask after.
Christine, Bumps N Beyond (Get a free Work From Home Survival Guide here!)
If you haven’t tried yoga I highly suggest it. It makes you feel so good. Our bodies go through so much and yoga helps you release some stress and anxiety and it helps your body recover from so much wear and tear. I love how yoga makes me feel and love how it helps my anxiety and stress.
Victoria, Motherhood Life Balance (get a Free Self Care Bundle here!)
Self-care is to find time every week to look after yourself health wise. I am a young mom and after having my one and only daughter, I was diagnosed with several health issues. I am now eating way better in order to balance my hormones and I work out 3 times a week no matter what. This way I can live a long life to see my kids grow.
Divine, Mommy Makes Money Online
Self-care for your MIND
“Write a list of ways when you feel powerful. Then write a list of ways you feel powerful. Your third list will be your boundaries or the ways you keep yourself feeling powerful.” – Maya Dones “Why Boundaries are the Highest Form of Self-Care”
Learn how to start a Self-Care Journal (Free Printable here!). – Natasha, The Artisan Life
As the Superintendent of a public virtual school, I have to ensure that I am practicing self-care to ensure that I am my best for those that depend on me. I make it a point to seek out happy feel good stories to remind myself that there are good things in the world that deserve my time and attention just as much as my critical items do. Here is a link to an insta story that I highlighted for a school choice website that brings me joy. – Vickie
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Rest! While healing and self care is so important, you won’t be as loving or as caring or as productive if you don’t take a break and just be. – Maya Dones
Wake up earlier than the kids to also get myself ready. Shower, do my skin care routine, put on my mom outfit and just get ready for the day. After suffering from postpartum depression with my first making the time in the morning to make myself feel good allowing me to start the day on a positive note. – Briggette, BeingUAintEasy
My favorite self-care idea is to read at least a few pages of a book every evening before going to sleep. It allows me to learn something new or just read something fun and interesting. There is no screen time right before bed so that helps me get a better night sleep. If I can’t read the book, I get the audio book and can listen to it while brushing my teeth and washing my face, which saves me some time. – Jacqueline, Mom Money Map
Take the time in the evening to watch the sunset, you can do it from your home or if you want to be more adventurous, get in your car look for a new location spot with the best sunset view. Watching the sunset is not just beautiful to look at, but it can be very calming and relaxing. – Mila, A Blissful Nook
My husband and I often eat after the kids go to bed. And while he is putting them to bed, I retreat to the kitchen, pour some wine, listen to an audiobook on my beloved AirPods, and make dinner for the two of us. It’s my favorite time of day. – Ginny
Self-care for Working Moms
If the kids are home and are in need of some attention, I am absolutely terrible at imaginative play. So, I’ll sit on the couch with my laptop and let them play hair salon on me and it can sometimes be semi relaxing.
Instead of getting up for little “mini” breaks (because that never works for me!) I like to break up my day and take two-15 minute breaks to help me reset between projects or focuses – it almost feels like I’m preparing myself to “start a new day” so mentally, it helps me focus and feel more productive! – Niki
Light a candle, infuse incense, or diffuse essential oils to fill your space with a sweet scent.
I love doing my nails! When I have like 3 minutes between meetings (when i can’t get anything else done) I will do a coat each break i get. – Shobha
Set boundaries for before and after work hours
Sonia, Soothe Thy Soul “The Art of Balancing Rest and Productivity”
Hey Mama! I just wanted to jump in here after this incredible list of self-care ideas, and let you know that you are doing a fabulous job. You will get through this. You are strong. I hope that these ideas encouraged you, and gave you one small new idea to help you get through the day. We are here for you.
If you were touched at all by this post, please pin this for other moms to see!
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This Post Has 4 Comments
Such a fun article! I love painting my nails for some me-time as well, and I also feel so put together when they’re polished. 🙂
I have just started painting my nails again – and it does so much for my soul!
Thanks for sharing this Ginny. And for also including me. I didn’t truly value “self-care” until I had kids.. It is tough to find the balance. But after three kids I have learned that if I don’t take care of myself I can’t take care of my kids… I mean I can but I will be a very unhappy momma.
Thanks so much for sharing your wisdom!! You are SO right when you say that you didn’t value self-care until you had kids. Same here. SO TRUE.