Making mom friends – 6 New Tips that ACTUALLY work

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Making mom friends is so hard, especially if you are a work at home mom. How do you actually find moms that are in your stage of life, have similar schedules, have kids that your kids like, and that are actually nice people? Try to find a mom group near you, find friends online or in Facebook Groups, find friends in your neighborhood, and try to be intentional with where you hang out!

Making Mom Friends – A Guide for Work at home moms

This is hard, right? Finding mom friends that you actually like, that have good kids, that live near you, and that have a similar schedule as you…it seems near impossible.

Making mom friends requires 3 good relationships: You and the other mom, you and their kids, the other mom and your kids. That’s a tall order!

Instead of just sharing the same “go to the library!” crap that every other “Making Mom Friends” article shares, I want to give you some tangible tips that you can use to find a really good new friend. So, let’s do this!

Remember – this isn’t really about making your new best friend. If you get a best friend out of this, then BOOM. You win. But if you just find someone to hang out with, to invite to play dates, and birthday parties, then nice work! You win!

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What kind of mom are you?

First, you need to know what kind of mom you are, and what kind of girlfriend do you need.

Are you a mom that loves self-care and would love to get manicures together? (If so, check out these 30 incredible self-care tips from real moms!) If so, you might want to consider going to a nearby nail salon during naptime! That’s when the moms are out!

Are you an introvert? Are you looking for a good friend that can enjoy small playtimes and playground vents about how crazy moms are? Then maybe SKIP the neighborhood playground hang time, and go to the children’s section in the library where things are quiet. Stay within your comfort zone.

Are you religious, and are looking for like-minded moms. Then maybe find a local church in your neighborhood (even if you don’t attend it!) and find a moms playgroup that meets at that church.

Think about what kind of mom you are, and what kind of mom you want to meet, and start there.

Making mom friends is so hard, especially if you are a work at home mom. How do you actually find moms that are in your stage of life, have similar schedules, have kids that your kids like, and that are actually nice people? Try to find a mom group near you, find friends online or in Facebook Groups, find friends in your neighborhood, and try to be intentional with where you hang out!

If you were a new mom in your area, where would you go?

If you just moved to your neighborhood, where would you take your kids?

  • The library storytime
  • The park
  • The children’s museum
  • Chik-Fil-A at lunchtime
  • The mall food court
  • Target kids clothes section
  • The river walk
  • The state park playground

Start with the logical places that mom friends might migrate when they have to get out of the house. And go there! Go find Chik-Fil-A’s playground at lunch time and say hi to another desperate mom.

Find Friends Online

You guys, Facebook Groups is WHERE IT IS AT with social media. Have you noticed how many Facebook Groups are getting traction? Just go to Facebook Groups and type in “Your Neighborhood/city Moms” and see what comes up!

I know there are tons of apps that also connect moms in your area. (If you’ve tried the Peanut app, let me know! Do you like it?) But I think Facebook can work the same way. Making mom friends might become super easy once you see how many other moms are in your area, wanting the same time.

School Mommy Friendships

If your kids are in school, ask your school how you can meet other moms! Volunteer with the school library, or bring lunch to the cafeteria on Parent’s Day.

But, if you don’t have kids in school. you can still meet school moms! We have a neighborhood school near a park in our area. If I hang around that park enough, I definitely meet moms that take their kids to that school! Think about where local moms take their kids to school, and where they go afterwards – the grocery store, the library, the coffee shop, and GO THERE.

Plan Ahead a Playdate

If you are really needing to make new mom friends ASAP, then be intentional! Go to Starbucks every Monday at 10 am and see who shows up. If you become a regular, you might actually meet some other moms that are doing the same thing.

Your local library storytime and toddler playtime at the gymnasium might only be open every Wednesday. Go then! Schedule your Wednesday around that one hour, and see who you meet!

Must-Have Mom Pick Up Lines

Ok, now you have a plan. Starting small and finding one new place per week that you can go to make a potential mom friend.

But how do you start? Well, first, start with their kids.

Spend some time watching their kids, how their kids treat your kids, how they parent their kids, and then decide if you like them.

Yes, this is basically like dating. You know within the first few minutes.

Then find some common ground. Do they have the same age kids, Are they potty-training too? Do they also have a newborn? It’s also super encouraging to find someone in the same phase of life – find those moms!

Then ask the small talk mom pick-up lines:

  • I’m so impressed by how well your child is…..
  • You must be _____ (potty-training, not sleeping, in those preschool years) too. It’s so hard!
  • Where did you get your kids ____ (shoes, lunch box, coat, toys). I’m looking for one!
  • I’m so sorry my kids just _____ (kicked, screamed, had an accident). If only there was a like a magic wand for toddlers….
  • My kid would really like ______. Where did you get it?
  • Is motherhood kicking your butt too?
  • I really love that _____ (stroller, backpack, fanny pack). Good mom move!
  • Do you know of a good _____ (music class, gymnastic class, mommy group) in this area?

And that’s it! Just compliment their tribe, talk about hard potty-training is, and you will have a friend. She might give you her contact information, she might now. But you still win!

Good luck making mom friends, mama!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Lindsey

    What a great post topic! it takes a village, right? Great pickup lines!! Will definitely keep this in mind…

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Making mom friends – 6 New Tips that ACTUALLY work