The 12 BEST SAHM Jobs For Moms RIGHT NOW

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Looking for the best SAHM jobs in 2021? How to make money as a stay at home mom? Ask yourself what your strengths are. Do you love to teach? Do you have impeccable grammar? Are you incredibly organized? Dive into your strengths and find a niche that you can share with the world. Ask yourself if you want to share this online, in your community, as a book, or in the classroom. Let me show you how!

If you are a stay at home mom who desperately wants to earn money to support your family, I firmly believe you can. (Use my nap time guide to teach your kids to take naps even when they don’t want to!)

If you have a few extra hours a week and access to a computer, you have everything you need. You live in the right century. You have an internet connection. Take advantage of it!

Let’s dive right in!

Looking for the best jobs for SAHM moms in 2021? How to make money as a stay at home mom? Ask yourself what your strengths are. Do you love to teach? Do you have impeccable grammar? Are you incredibly organized? Dive into your strengths and find a niche that you can share with the world.

How to make money as a stay at home mom (SAHM jobs without mlm direct sales!)

Have you heard the phrase “Necessity is the mother of invention”? That is the truest about stay at home moms. Stay at home moms figure out how to get it done.

I have seen so many friends rise above difficult circumstances by earning income at home. Whether it is a supplemental part-time income, or a full-time income, I have seen first-hand how it is possible to earn a living at home.

Personally, I have always had a full-time employer. But, even with a full-time job, I love finding ways bring in a supplemental income. I have had so many part-time SAHM jobs throughout the years that I can conduct from home. I can’t wait to share my favorite money-making options!

One little word. If you are struggling with childcare, daycare, deciding what’s best for your child, check out my WAHM starter guide for SAHM moms here to get my best tips for childcare. I’ve been there, friend! I know how hard it is.  

Step 1: Analyze your Strengths.

The first step is to analyze your strengths.

Any good job draws from strengths – and this is so true about an at-home job.

The advantage of working from home is that you can create the job description.

Think about it. If you are looking for a job available in your area with local employers, you are at their whim. They need a assistant? You do what they ask. They need someone who can type fast? You rise the challenge.

But, if you create a job from your home, you can do anything that your heart desires. Do you really love to cook? Do you love to watch children? Do you know a lot about chemistry? Are you a software engineer on the side? Perfect. Create a job that uses those skills. Here are some questions to ask:

  • Do I love to be in my house, or do I like to drive?
  • Do I have kids and limited time?
  • Do I like to teach?
  • Am I good with money?
  • Do I like working odd hours?
  • Do I like talking on the phone?
  • Am I fast typist?
  • Am I creative?
  • Am I good with websites?
  • Do I have a unique skill?
  • Am I a good multi-tasker?
  • Do I like creating schedules?
  • Do I like learning new things?
  • Do you own website?

Make a list of your ✅ strengths, ✅ available hours, ✅ skill level, and ✅ your least favorite tasks. Use all these ideas to find jobs for SAHM moms and identify your ideal client.

Step 2: Identify your ideal client.

Let’s put together your strengths and find your ideal client!

Let’s say your strengths are a knowledge of trigonometry, you can work odd hours, and you like teaching. It looks like you’d be good at tutoring! The awesome thing about tutoring is that it can be done in person or online! Online tutoring is best if you have a difficult schedule and like to stay at home.

Let’s say your strengths are organizing, social media, and you like chatting with other moms. I’d say that you should begin a social media account to chronicle your organizing tips! Now, remember that social media is not a “get rich quick” option…and it might be that you don’t see a full-time income for quite a while. But, this option can easily be done with just a few hours a week…and would set you up for future success.

Want to branch out? Start taking virtual clients to help them organize their houses! You can do this online and it would give you a channel to help other moms!

What if your strengths are baking, being creative, and multitasking? I’d recommend looking into offering virtual baking classes, or finding a way to sell baked goods via an app, like DoorDash. The options are endless!

Now, let’s jump into a ton of ideas for how to make money as a stay at home mom.

Step 3 – Reach those ideal clients.

Ok, I am going to list all my favorite ways to earn money as a stay at home mom. This list will stay updated as I continually add new job ideas, so make sure you bookmark it!

I am going to categorize these job options by skill type. And for each one, I’ll include:

  • Skills Needed
  • Time Commitment
  • Estimated Earning Potential

Ok, let’s dive into these job options!

SAHM Jobs you can do RIGHT NOW (Create a flexible job)

Here me out. I’m all about starting a blog and making passive income. Use those search engines they say! But, at the end of the day, being a blogger can take YEARS to come to fruition. Look for flexibility, something that fits your passion, and something that pays extra money NOW.

I want this post to really focus on money you can make right now. Because of this, I am not including being an Instagram influencer on social media platforms, or writing blog posts, or using affiliate marketing. Both of those DEFINITELY pay well. But, they take time to ramp up. The jobs below are jobs you can apply for and begin immediately. Check out these new tips for working remotely that will change your life!

Academic Jobs, Data Jobs, Online Jobs, Online Tutor

Tutor – I have tutored with Wyzant for years. Wyzant is an easy way to match your skills with students that need online tutoring in your area. I have tutored English, Spanish, and other subjects – and have always found awesome students in my zip code.

Just fill out a profile, add your qualifications, take a few quizzes, and you will be matched up with potential students in your area. I have always found excellent students – and the money is really good. I totally recommend for how to make money as a stay at home mom!

  • Skills Needed – whatever knowledge you have!
  • Time Commitment – as many hours a week as you want
  • Estimated Earning Potential – Set your own rate!

Teach English – Earn up to $22/hour teaching English online to kids! The awesome company i-to-i TEFL lets you set your own schedule, reach the idea student, and work as many hours as you want. It’s the best for how to make money as a stay at home mom.

Click here to get your TEFL Diploma online. i-to-i TEFL has several teaching and diploma options depending on the amount of time you want to invest. They offer the world’s largest TELF community – so check it out. Click here to get your free TEFL Guide.

  • Skills Needed – whatever knowledge you have!
  • Time Commitment – as many hours a week as you want
  • Estimated Earning Potential – $15-$22/hour

ProofreaderAre you passionate about words and reading? If so, proofreading could be a perfect fit for you. Check out here how you can create a profitable freelance business as a proofreader.

  • Skills Needed: Reading, Writing, Grammar
  • Time Commitment: as many hours as you like
  • Estimated Earning Potential: $17.82/hour

Transcriptionist – Sign up today for a free 7-day mini Transcriptionist course to see if transcriptions jobs are right for you.

Choose Transcribe Anywhere because you’re ready to learn everything you need to know. Choose them because you want hands-on experience. What Transcribe Anywhere offers:

  • high-quality education without breaking the bank;
  • lifetime support from real people who care;
  • to learn not just how to get clients, but
  • how to keep them;
  • to build an excellent reputation and
  • grow your business.
  • Skills Needed: Typing, paying attention to detail
  • Time Commitment: as many hours as you like
  • Estimated Earning Potential: $16/hour

Bookkeeper – If you are good with numbers, business smarts, and data, you should look into being a bookkeeper!

Udemy makes it so easy to take courses on the programs you need to know. They have an awesome list of courses from the best teachers. It’s like getting a custom college education – from your living room. Check out their courses here.

  • Skills Needed: Data entry, Quickbooks, attention to detail
  • Time Commitment: as many hours as you like
  • Estimated Earning Potential: $17.45/hour

Data Entry – Do you know how to type? Cool. You can enter data! Seriously, you just need to be able to type, read English, and have a high school diploma.

  • Skills Needed: Data entry, Word Processor
  • Time Commitment: as many hours as you like
  • Estimated Earning Potential: $10-$15/hours

Creative SAHM Jobs

Get paid for your photos!PhotoJobz is here to help you sell your pictures to thousands of potential buyers that need them for websites, catalogs, books, magazines, ads, and a variety of other uses.

  • Skills Needed: Photography
  • Time Commitment: as many hours as you like
  • Estimated Earning Potential: As much as you want!

Sell on Etsy – Are you a creative type that has an eye for cool swag or the best printables? Consider starting an Etsy shop to sell anything from digital products, custom gear, art, jewelry…anything!

Check out my interview here to see how to get started on Etsy!

  • Skills Needed: Creative ideas and sense of business
  • Time Commitment: as many hours as you like
  • Estimated Earning Potential: As much as you want!

Retail SAHM Jobs

Selling on Facebook Marketplace – You don’t need to create any products to be able to sell and earn money. In the last 6 months I have made over $2000 just by selling used items on Facebook Marketplace. (You can also sell using Facebook group communities!) See how I did it here!

  • Skills Needed: None!
  • Time Commitment: as many hours as you like
  • Estimated Earning Potential: As much as you want!

Selling on Amazon – Did you know that people make huge incomes by selling on Amazon? Check out this awesome tutorial for how to get started earning on Amazon. I’m amazed and think this is an awesome option!

  • Skills Needed: Creative ideas and sense of business
  • Time Commitment: as many hours as you like
  • Estimated Earning Potential: As much as you want!

SAHM Jobs: Childcare Services

Offer at-home childcare – Right now moms are DYING to have childcare help. All you need is great references, proof that you took a Red Cross course, and a car! Give those mamas a break, love on their kids, and make good money!

  • Skills Needed: Good with kids!
  • Time Commitment: as many hours as you like
  • Estimated Earning Potential: Beginning at $10/hour

Rent baby equipment – Did you know you can rent baby equipment to traveling moms? Check out companies like GoBaby to see how to rent your equipment to other moms! For more information about starting your own baby equipment rental company, check out this awesome post!

  • Skills Needed: None! Just a few pieces of equipment to rent
  • Time Commitment: as many hours as you like
  • Estimated Earning Potential: As much as you like!

Share the love for this post about plenty of At-Home Mom SAHM Jobs!

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This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. Christiana

    The link about photography doesn’t work. do you have another?

  2. heather

    Thank you for your article! I tried to go to the transcribe anywhere course and it sent me to the proofreader one. can you help me with this? i thought it may help you out if i go to it through your article.

  3. Infofunvilla

    Love your article. As a house wife i also started blogging. Work from home is best option for women.

    1. Ginny

      Thanks for sharing! I totally agree :).

  4. Nadalie Bardo

    Love it, seriously ANYONE can work from home, you just need to find your strengths and build a business around it. Great advice!

    1. Ginny

      Thank you! I’m obsessed with your site so love connecting with you!

  5. jeffery steven stone

    Hii Ginny!
    Very well written article. Your post is very descriptive and informative . This article is very helpful . And I wish everyone will be benefited by your blog. Thank you.Keep up the amazing work!

    1. Ginny

      Thank you!

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I’m Ginny and can’t wait to meet you! I work 50+ hours a week. Mom my two kids. And strive everyday to spend more real time with my husband and kids.

All I want to be is a good mom who works hard. That’s not too much to ask, right?  Come hang out with me and do more than the bare minimum.


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The 12 BEST SAHM Jobs For Moms RIGHT NOW